Anatomy Diagnostic Ultrasounds
Anatomy Diagnostic Ultrasound
Our pregnancy anatomy diagnostic ultrasound service is designed to provide expectant parents with a detailed and intimate view of the developing fetus. Using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology, our skilled sonographers capture high-resolution images of the baby's anatomy, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of growth, organ development, and overall well-being. From visualizing the beating heart to examining limbs, organs, and facial features, this service offers a remarkable opportunity for parents to bond with their unborn child and for healthcare providers to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Whether it's confirming the due date, detecting any anomalies, or simply cherishing the first glimpses of the baby, our pregnancy anatomy diagnostic ultrasound service is committed to delivering accurate, reassuring, and memorable experiences during this special journey to parenthood.
Appointment duration:
30 minutes
- Confirmation of pregnancy
- Fetal growth assessment
- Anomaly detection
- Multiple gestation
- Placental assessment
- Amniotic fluid levels
- Fetal position
- Gender determination
- Maternal health monitoring
- Pregnancy complications
Before your appointment:
No patient prep required.
Anatomy Diagnostic Ultrasound Pricing
Insurance + Doctor’s order required
Call/text to 404-507-6797 to submit documents before booking
*Actual exam rates vary based on client's insurance plan.
Self-Paid & Non-Insured
Paid in full. Due at time of booking.
No Doctor’s order required.
All Services
We offer a diverse range of ultrasound services.
Dúplex Arterial
Duplex ultrasonography of the upper and lower extremity arteries is performed to provide an overview of the location, extent, and severity of vascular disease.
Ultrasound of the Abdominal Aorta examines for Aneurysm (AAA) and plaque-causing blockage to the blood flow in the legs.
La ecografía mamaria es una evaluación diagnóstica segura y no invasiva de los bultos mamarios. La ecografía mamaria es útil y apropiada en múltiples situaciones clínicas.
Un examen de ultrasonido de la arteria carótida se utiliza para identificar un estrechamiento en las arterias carótidas del cuello.
Ecocardiograma del corazón que mide el tamaño de la cámara y el grosor de la pared para indicaciones de posibles problemas valvulares como fugas y estenosis valvular.
La exploración de fertilidad está dirigida a abordar problemas relacionados con el potencial de fertilidad de la mujer.
Imágenes de ultrasonido para cálculos, atrofia, perfusión, hidronefrosis, hidroureter, colecciones de líquidos y masas.
OB / Embarazo
Además del ultrasonido 3D / 4d, brindamos información valiosa para ayudar en la salud y el cuidado continuos del niño y la madre.
Una ecografía pélvica es una forma eficiente y rentable de evaluar los órganos pélvicos, que incluyen el útero, el cuello uterino, la vagina, las trompas de Falopio y los ovarios.
Arteria Renal
Si las arterias renales se estrechan o bloquean, los riñones no pueden controlar eficazmente la presión arterial.
El ultrasonido escrotal monitorea el flujo sanguíneo venoso y arterial e identifica enfermedades testiculares o malformaciones.
La glándula tiroides controla qué tan rápido el cuerpo usa energía, produce proteínas. Examen de ultrasonido en busca de nódulos, masas y quistes.
La imagen dúplex venosa se utiliza para evaluar coágulos sanguíneos, insuficiencia venosa, incompetencia o venas obstruidas por tumor / masas.
Online Appointment Booking
We're excited to provide you with the option to easily book online, so you can find a date and time that suits your schedule perfectly.
Same Day
We understand that sometimes you need answers fast, so we strive to provide quick and efficient appointments. This means that we can usually see you when you need us the most.
ProCare Ultrasound Duluth
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 8:30am - 3:30pm
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